African Mango Extract Reviews
You’ve probably heard quite a few things about this African Mango diet-supplement and it’s been causing quite a stir in the weight-loss industry. Even the infamous American Entertainment Doctor “Dr. Oz” has been adding it to his list of favorite supplements. So I decided to take a careful look at this and here’s what I found out.
What Is African Mango?
African Mango is actually a fruit grown from a tree which is found in various countries around Western Africa. African Mango is also known as “Irvingia gabonensis” because the name of the tree is, guess what….: the “Irvingia” Tree. Now the actual ‘magic’ lies in the seeds or “kernel” which are at the heart of the fruit itself but I’ll come back to that in a moment.
==> Click here to try African Mango <==
It’s interesting to note that the bark from the tree as well as the “kernel” has been used for medicinal purposes by folks in Cameroon for centuries. And today that’s still the case in many places around Africa since a lot of folks turn to natural remedies as opposed to modern-day medical treatments: this is partly down to cost, accessibility but greatly influenced by traditional values. Also, the “kernel” is also frequently used in many Cameroonian dishes to add flavoring and consistency to many local recipes.
I happen to know quite a bit about Western Africa since I worked there for a while (a previous life) and can definitely tell you that the folks there go “natural” in almost everything they do. Take a trip down to a local market and you’d know what I mean…
How will African Mango Help Me ?
African Mango extract is a natural appetite-suppresor product and has shown promising results in:
- Reducing weight
- Improve Waist Reduction
- Reducing your cholesterol levels
- Improve blood sugar levels which in turn, helps to prevent diabetes.
- Increase your metabolism and energy levels
That sounds like a pretty good list to me but almost a bit “too good to be true” so I continued digging deeper until I found what I was looking for….
Does African Mango Work?
As I mentioned earlier, African Mango extracts are widely used in the Western African diet and after spending hours and hours of tireless on and offline research, I finally tracked down the actual results of two scientific experiments that were carried out in 2005 and again, in 2008 to see if these extracts have genuine results or not. I was pretty shocked by the results….! Here are the average numbers from the 2008 study which ran over 10 weeks:
- Initial weight: 220 lbs (99.79 kg)
- After 4 weeks: 211 lbs (95.77 kg)
- After 8 weeks: 200 lbs (90.91 kg)
- After 10 weeks: 194 lbs (87.95 kg)
The results from the 2005 study (which ran for a shorter 4 weeks) were fairly similar:
- Initial weight: 232 lbs (105.1 kg)
- After 4 weeks: 223 lbs (101 kg)
The additional thing to note is that the people who went through the tests were asked not to change their usual eating habits or undertake exercise or anything like that. Now OK, the drops in weight aren’t huge BUT they are significant and you can only imagine the results when you add-in additional factors like eating healthy foods and undertaking exercise. Here are some more statistics from the 2008 experiment:
– The average waist size at the beginning was 41 inches (104 cm). By the end of week 10, it was down to approx 32 inches (82 cm)
– Total ‘plasma’ Cholesterol levels dropped from 153.21 to 85.33 (measured in Milligrams per Deciliter): that’s a massive drop of just over 44%
So far so good but is there anything missing that the numbers aren’t telling us? Well, as far as I can figure out, the only thing against these numbers really comes down to the number of people that were tested in the experiments. For example in the 2008 experiment, only 72 people went through the tests and personally, I’d be happier if there were more folks tested. Nevertheless, the results are pretty impressive and were carried-out in a controlled environment.
If you’re interested in learning more, here are the links to the TWO studies:
2008 : Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemisty, Yaoundé, Cameroon
When searching for actual customer experience, again the results are pretty good. Around 64% of Amazon users gave the product a four or five star rating and of those who weren’t so satisfied only appear to have taken African Mango for a short time. If you’re going to go for African Mango, then you need to take it for a little while to see results . In the experiments, they mentioned that there was a drop after 4 weeks but the most significant losses came-in after the 4-week period so make sure you stick to it for a while!
How Does African Mango Work?
In the seeds of the fruit, sometimes known as a “dika” seed, there are compounds that contain a considerable amount of quality fiber and healthy fats. The dika nut extract interacts with a hormone called “Leptin” which circulates in the bloodstream. This hormone is produced by the brain when the body has had enough to eat. So when you take African Mango, not as much Leptin is released and hey presto!, you no longer have as much urge to reach for those mega-snacks.
You normally take African Mango a couple of times a day and around 20-30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.
Where Should I Buy African Mango?
In my view, the best value product is “African Mango Plus” since it comes with a diet and exercise program included plus, the 90-day money back guarantee is really useful. Like all diet supplements, you have to remember to what they really are: you need to use them in conjunction with a sensible diet and, as always, you should undertake some exercise. Even if you’re not used to exercising, just start gently and build it up: you don’t have to go mad at the gym from day one!
Also remember to take into account the results from the experiments above, especially the research conducted in 2008 which was a 10-week program (2½ months). So if you’re going to take a serious stab at the program, give yourself 3 months to see if it works out for you.
==> Click here to try African Mango <==
Where is Cameroon? What Does an African Mango Tree Look Like?
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(Some of the links on this page are sponsored affiliate links, the owner is not a bonafide user of this product and receives commission for sales made. The info on this site is the webmasters opinion only and should not be taken as professional medical advice, please visit a doctor for such advice)