Toe Fungus Treatment
Nail or toe fungus is a very common infection that many people live with for years. It starts slowly, very often with small yellowish spot under the toenail or fingernails. With time you end up with yellow toenails as well as thick toenails.
As the fungus spread the nail becomes thicker and yellower. If not treated, the nails and surrounding skin will turn crumbly and even painful. Besides is not uncommon that the infection will extend to other foot or hand nails.
The look of a fungus infected nail when it has turned thick and yellow is unsightly and a source of distress for many people who feel uneasy and even embarrased of showing their nails.
There are several ways of treating toe nail fungus or “toe fungus” for short.
Prescription oral drugs work by reaching the affected area under the nail through the blood circulation and killing the fungus. Although they tend to be effective in severe infections some of them can produce unwanted side-effects.
Laser treatment seems to provide very good results but it is a very expensive treatment.
For less severe infections, there are topical methods sold over the counter that can be applied on the surface of the nail and sourrounding skin. Most of them are very easy to apply like a nail varnish.
ZetaClear is a nail fungus treatment made of natural oils with no side-effects and has become one of the most popular topical treatments for toe fungus nowadays, as a safe solution to get rid of yellow toenails.
So is Zetaclear really effective as a toe fungus killer?
Well, it is a fact that a considerable number of people suffering from nail fungus for years have found with ZetaClear what they thought it was kind of impossible: a risk-free cure for their brittle and thick toenails.
Is ZetaClear a Definitive Cure for Fungus Nails?
It would be dishonest to say that ZetaClear works for everybody, because it is just not true. Like any other treatment, it works wonders for many people but for some others it may provide little or no improvement.
If you are one of those thousands of frustrated people who have tried all sort of treatments included the famous vinegar and Vicks VapoRub home remedies, you already know that getting rid of nail fungus isn’t that easy.
ZetaClear is a two step treatment that combines a mix of oils extracted from plants which have proved to be effective in treating fungus infection, with a homeopathic spray to boost its effectiveness.
The oil blend of the ZetaClear solution penetrates underneath the nail to the nail’s bed damaging the fungus root and fostering the growth of healthy nails.
The nail bed is where the dermatophile, the scientific name of this microscopic organism, lives and thrives.
As a matter of fact, your nail bed is a real paradise for this type of fungi. This fungus loves moisture, dark and warm places. So, where else they could be happier than in your feet toenails, a place that remains a good chunk of the time in sweaty socks protected by shoes and, in many cases, even lacking of good blood circulation.
Nail fungus is very infectious and it is quite common that if not treated, with the time the fungus will extend to other nails. So it is important to treat it as soon as possible because a strong infection can cause you pain in your toes or fingertips and finally the nail can get loose and detached from the bed.
==> Click HERE To Try ZetaClear Nail Fungus Treatment <==
Tips To Control & Prevent New Infections
Here are some basic rules you must start applying right now if you are not doing it yet:
- Daily wash socks and towels you have used while your nails are still infected
- Avoid shoes that does not allow your feet to transpire
- Never walk barefoot in public swimming pools, sports centers, etc. In this type of public places get into the shower with flip-flops.
- Maintain your feet clean and dry thoroughly after washing them.
Maintain this behavior even after your nails get back into healthy shape, so you prevent new infections.
The ZetaClear solution is right now working for many people who, like it has happened probably to you, have tried for years to get rid of those unsightly nails without any success.
So, why not have a go before jumping into other solutions like a laser treatment that will cost you a bomb?
ZetaClear offers a 90-day money-back guarantee and as I mentioned above, it is a product made of natural oils so you have no risks of suffering any harmful side-effects.